Photographing the Okinawa Rail
A tale of camouflage, patience, and split-second sprints in the quest to capture one of Okinawa’s most elusive birds.
Photographing the Okinawa Rail: In pursuit of the Shadow
Photographing the Okinawa Rail has been one of the more rewarding and equally humbling challenges of my time photographing the wide diversity of natural history on the island. The species—shy, elusive, and never in any rush to pose—tests not only patience but also perception. Although not officially crepuscular in behavior, I’ve found that my best chances at spotting them come in the early hours just after dawn and again in the later afternoon as light begins to fade. These times, perhaps coincidentally, are when the forests seem to hold their breath, and the Okinawa Rail sometimes dares to break cover, offering a glimpse of its secretive world.

The standard image one tends to get of the Okinawa Rail at the outset of any goals to photograph them. Distant, small, and defiantly skittish.
In my early attempts, most sightings were distant and brief—fleeting shapes disappearing into dense undergrowth before my camera had time to properly react. At that stage, I lacked an understanding of their preferred haunts, their behavior around human presence, and even the subtle signs that hinted at their activity. Over time, things improved. I began to notice the trails they favored, faint prints in the mud, and even particular roadside spots where they'd mark territory. Spending time at these places, observing from a distance, helped me build a picture of their rhythms—and from that, a strategy. Using a hide became a turning point. Nestled into the undergrowth and cloaked in camouflaged fabric (myself and my lens both), I found that they were less inclined to bolt. Camouflage clothing and camera covers were essential additions to this quiet pursuit, offering me just enough invisibility to keep them at ease.
Of course, it’s not all patient, contemplative watching. The Okinawa Rail is, at times, like something out of a slapstick sketch. More than once I’ve been left with blurred photos of tail feathers or just empty road, the bird already gone before I could react—those moments always remind me of Wile E. Coyote’s hopeless chase of the Roadrunner, had he been toting a camera instead of an Acme rocket. These rails seem to have a sixth sense for when I’ve got the perfect composition lined up, only to vanish in a blur of motion. It’s frustrating in the moment, but strangely part of the charm—photographing this bird is never predictable, and that makes every halfway decent frame feel like a minor miracle.

One of the lesser-observed aspects of the Okinawa Rail is its sleeping habits, which remain largely hidden in the dense foliage where it roosts low to the ground. Quiet and vulnerable at night, they retreat into thick underbrush or forest tangles to rest, often in pairs or small family groups. Photographing them nocturnally is something of a Holy Grail—an incredibly rare opportunity that requires equal parts luck, knowledge, and restraint. If one attempts this, it must be approached with the utmost care. Low-lumen red lights or diffused flashlights are essential to avoid distressing the birds, and long exposures under ambient moonlight or near-infrared imaging are more ethical alternatives to standard flash photography. The aim is to document, not to disrupt, and any effort to photograph the Okinawa Rail at rest should always be guided by respect for its well-being above all else.

This had been one of my photographic goals since I started documenting the wildlife of Okinawa. Accomplished with the use of diffused lighting, a long telephoto lens on a tripod and a long shutter speed. Thankfully the Rail didn't move during the 2 second exposure.
Beyond the personal challenge and enjoyment, photographing the Okinawa Rail comes with a deeper sense of responsibility. Although its existence had been officially recognized in 1978, scientifically the Okinawa Rail was only described in 1981. During this time the species has endured a precarious path. At its lowest, the population dipped to just a few hundred individuals, threatened by habitat loss, road mortality, and predation by introduced species such as mongooses and feral cats. Conservation efforts have helped the population rebound modestly, but it remains fragile, dependent on continued protection and ecological awareness. Every image I make feels like a tribute not only to the bird’s resilience but also to its ongoing struggle—a quiet reminder that the beauty of the Okinawa Rail is still very much at risk.
To see the main fruit of a recent trip to photograph this illusive bird simply scroll to the top of this page and you will find a small circular icon with opposing arrows. Click on that to reveal the wallpaper behind this post. Click it again to then return to this standard view.

One of the keys to note in the hunt for the Okinawa Rail is their appreciation for a good morning and evening bath. Just one of many keys needed to photograph this species.

Over the years a game, a quite fun game at that, of hide and seek had played out in my search for photographic opportunities with the Okinawa Rail. One elusive bird!

As with any species, when it all comes together photographically. The timing, the location, the focus, then all of the efforts, missed frames and skunked shoots, is worth it.
About the Author
Internationally recognized as a provider of quality mixed media Mark Thorpe is always on the search for captivating imagery.

Photographer / Cameraman
Mark Thorpe
Emmy Award Winning wildlife cameraman and Internationally published landscape photographer Mark Thorpe has been an adventurer since he could walk! Spending 17yrs as an Underwater Cameraman at the start of his imaging career the highlight of which was being contracted to work with National Geographic. In that role as a field producer and predominantly underwater cameraman he's been privy to a mixed bag of hair raising adventures. For some reason he was always selected for projects relating to large toothed marine predators such as Great White and Tiger Sharks, Sperm Whales, and Fur Seals. Additionally he has also been active within Southern Africa on terrestrial projects dealing with a wide array of iconic wildlife.
Currently based in Okinawa, Japan, he has established himself there as the leading ocean, wildlife and landscape photographer. Always on the lookout for that next big adventure he has travelled extensively throughout the islands of Okinawa to document their beauty and natural history. He shares his exploits online with a totally organic social audience. Videography wise he continues to create short form content to promote the diversity of wildlife within the Okinawa prefecture.
Mark also plans, offers and guides completely bespoke wildlife experiences for private sector clientele. Whether you're a photographer looking to document the behavior of a specific species or indeed a nature loving couple/individual looking to that totally immersive and all encompassing experience. From single multiple hour options through to multiple day experiences trips and experiences are created with the view to witnessing the truly wild spectacle that Okinawa offers without being treated, or seen, as just another visitor to the island. Should you wish to experience this truly awesome side of wild Okinawa then all you have to do to get the ball rolling is click on the Contact page and fire off any questions you may have about the currently available adventures.
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