seawildearth is a professional wildlife and landscape media service based in Okinawa, Japan, owned and run by an Emmy Award winning wildlife cameraman.

Ocean Accents

Take a closer look at movement within smaller more focused elements of Ocean space whether static or shot with a longer than-normal exposure. This artwork is both meditative and soothing.

Hidden Textures

Depending on how it is accomplished, motion or speed blur allows the viewer to sit in awe of a segment of the Ocean as it comes to life before their very eyes. New textures, shadows and shadows convey the sense of movement as one simply watches.

A Trace of a Wave

As small waves near the end of their journey, I track them with a slower-than-normal shutter speed. This in turn renders them with a palette more associated with pastel hues. It also creates a riot of motion.


At the end of their journey, waves wash ashore amidst a riot of motion and turmoil. Their death throes, be they loud and violent or subdued whispers are all nonetheless aesthetically unique.

Ebb and Flow

Like fingerprints, these textures and swirls of motion are unique to every liquid passage. A moment in time captured, never to be repeated. This makes these moments so very unique and special.

Details of a Wave

A detailed look at a wave. It may not be a big wave, but it is photogenic, full of character, and has incredible tones and color. I could sit and shoot these all day long.