seawildearth is a professional wildlife and landscape media service based in Okinawa, Japan, owned and run by an Emmy Award winning wildlife cameraman.


Adventures of an Ocean Hobo, the seawildearth Blog

Ocean Travels, Tales and Yarns From the Adventures of an Ocean Hobo.

Thanks for stopping by the Ocean Hobo blog from seawildearth. This is a place where I'll be posting images and recounting adventures from my travels within the stunning location that is Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands, and also further afield. I prefer the appeal of smaller islands so get ready for trip reports, gear reviews and an increase in marine imaging as I head to beaches new and snorkel the rich marine environments. Some entries may simply be about a particular photograph and how I managed to shoot it. A large part of this blog will be in the recounting of past adventures and travels from times when based in Micronesia, Palau and Indonesia to name a few. With plans to start traveling again with a focus on the islands of the Pacific I'm hoping this will also become a place of reference for other Ocean spirits, drifters, and aquatic hobos..

My current base though, Okinawa main island, is a stunning location, full of potential and so many settings for awesome imaging it would be hard to see it all. And then there are the other 100+ other islands, many uninhabited, some unexplored that make up this diverse archipelago. A truly incredible location. In all cases when photographing and filming wildlife here I aim to be as vague as possible with regards to locations so as to protect the local species from illegal collectors and wildlife trade poachers. Many of the species here are sadly endangered which also drives up their value to nefarious collectors.

Japan’s Most Beautiful Frog

Hidden within the subtropical forests of northern Okinawa Island, the Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae)...
21st Mar 25
Collective Nouns in Nature

Collective Nouns in Nature

Language has long been a means of capturing the wonder of the natural world,...
20th Mar 25

Photographing Opportunistic Wildlife Behavior

Every year, as the sugar cane harvest begins in Okinawa, a fascinating display of...
19th Mar 25

Photographing the Black-faced Spoonbill in Okinawa

Photographing the Black-faced Spoonbill in Okinawa is a humbling experience—one that reminds me that...
17th Mar 25

Winter Wildlife Visitors to Okinawa

Winter wildlife visitors to Okinawa tend to be of avian fare. They are able...
17th Feb 25
Wild jungle weekends in Okinawa

Wild Weekends in Okinawa

Wild weekends in Okinawa, "Yes, there will be snakes". To answer the first question...
11th Jun 24
"Oui, Oui, Maupiti"

Bora Bora, You Beauty!

"Bora Bora You Beauty"! The sounds whispered through my lips as I gazed down...
23rd Apr 24
"Oui, Oui, Maupiti"

Oui, Oui, Maupiti.

"Oui, Oui, Maupiti", had become my trip slogan. After spending five days in Bora...
22nd Apr 24

Photography and Conservation

Photography, in both still and motion formats, has always played a pivotal role in...
9th Sep 23

Black Banded Sea Krait

Black-Banded Sea Krait, scientifically known as "Laticauda semifasciata," is a type of sea snake...
12th Jul 23

Motion Blur in Surf Photography

Motion blur in surf photography creates a sense of impact and conveys the image...
22nd Apr 23
Stepping into the wet stuff

Stepping Into The Wet Stuff

In life we cannot simply run from everything that can potentially harm us. Nobody...
14th Mar 23

The Ghosted Images

When you see a page, like this, that has what seems to be a ghosted background image you can see the full screen version of that image by clicking the small icon in the top right hand corner of the page, the circle with opposing arrows. You simply click it a second time to revert to the standard view.