seawildearth is a professional wildlife and landscape media service based in Okinawa, Japan, owned and run by an Emmy Award winning wildlife cameraman.

Monthly Archives: August 2020

10 Aug 2020

Blue Corner, White Knuckles. Pt.1

From my youngest years I’d always been fascinated with images of islands in the Pacific. Verdant jewels fringed with white sandy beaches enveloped in clear, warm and inviting turquoise lagoons.

06 Aug 2020

Black and (Great) White

Great White Sharks, love them or hate them they are at the top of the marine food chain for a good reason. Unchanged in design for millions of years they are the perfect predator and one whose name sends shivers down many a spine.

05 Aug 2020

Streets of Yokohama

Streets of Yokohama. I’d often find myself wandering them when I absolutely needed to exercise my ‘trigger finger’ when without a green space or bug to focus on.

03 Aug 2020

Maelstrom of Uncertainty

As the saying goes “We’re Living in Uncertain Times”, and never has it been so true when dealing with any form of creative arts that require public interaction for their success.